
Aktifkan Lagi!

Sudah lama blog ini gak gue buka, soalnya gue lupa password dan bahkan username-nya, hehehehe. Tapi sekarang sudah enggak lagi. Masalah utama sekarang adalah, blog ini sepi, karena sepi kontributor. Nah, jadi kalo teman-teman ada yang mau isi blog ini, atau sekalian mau jadi kontributor tetap, silakan kirim email ke communication.creative@gmail.com. Nanti gue daftarin jadi kontributor.

Maaf buat yang kemarin-kemarin komplain, soalnya ya itu tadi, gue gak bisa login, hehehehe.


The Chronicles of PR, Volume I: Tears In Heaven



Aktif, yuk!

Buat teman-teman semua, mari berpartisipasi! Blog ini dibuat untuk mengembangkan kreativitas kita sebagai sesama mahasiswa, maka alangkah baiknya jika kita sama-sama memanfaatkan blog ini. Mari kita ramaikan, dan katakan pada dunia bahwa kita, mahasiswa komunikasi Indonesia, eksis. Kita ada, dan tak bisa dipandang sebelah mata.

Mari beraksi!


Tarian Lontong

RENAI RIDER-BUONO! Karaoke version

rekaman amatir berisi gw dan rekan (rizuka-anak FKG) yang tiap tahun membakar lemak dengan ikutan lomba karaoke jejepangan, ini kali yang ketiga. (mo liat dua sebelomnya? hubungi saya langsung -berasa ada yang mo liat).

mantab, gw suka banget event yang ini (Indonesi Japan Expo @ PRJ) soalnya jurinya ga memihak pada suara , tapi goyang pantat (yeaaah, kami seperti lontong yang sedang meloncat). senangnya dapet aplaus ramai -niat awal hanya ingin mempermalukan diri sendiri sambil mengeksiskan diri-

koreografinya tentu aja ga bikin sendiri , tapi niru dari pidio klipnya. kalo mo bandingin cari aja deh di yutub, jomplang banget sama aslinya. maklum penyanyi idol cw jepang jarang ada yang berbadan gempal empuk sepertiku.

gangguan suara (yang mungkin akan terjadi) bukan pada telinga anda.

kalo ada yang tertarik mo bikin kostum2 aneh (buat cosplay, buat kondangan, whatever) bisa bikin di emak gw. ini kostum (pinky2 seifuku -seragam sekula jepun-) dibikin ama emak gw looookh. mari menjahit2!


5 Tunes For The Lonely Night

Yup, 1/5 dari waktu jelajah gw di internet dipake buat beginian. Nyanyi-nyanyi gak jelas dengan bayangan kemana-mana. Semua lagu yang gw pilih buat nih playlist biasanya ngisi imaginasi gw dengan fantasi-fantasi yang mungkin buat loe semua ...udah biasa.

Maklum, Mr Lonely hahaha.

Gw breakdown-lah

1. Garota De Ipanema (Girl from Ipanema) -Joao Gilberto & Tom Jobim

Dua empu bossa nova bersatu kembali buat mainin lagu tuh genre yang paling ikonik. It always makes me shiver. Immensely magical. Gw suka banget ma bagian verse di awalnya yang belum pernah gw denger. Tapi yang paling indah pesan yang pengen disampein lagunya; motif dibalik penulisannya. An admiration for something so beautiful, yet so out of reach. It inspires me to always hope for the seemingly impossible.

2. Ce Reve Bleu (Whole New World-French Version) -Some french singers I don't care to know

They say that french is the language of love -a concept that is kind of foreign to me-, yet I can feel it transcending beyond my zero understanding of the language itself. Dari dulu gw selalu liat adegan Aladin yang terbang naek karpet ma Jasmine-nya sebagai salah satu adegan yang paling wondrous di sebuah film Disney. Breathtaking.

3. Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman -Chris Daughtry; originally Bryan Adams

Gentleman. Sebuah tag yang gak bisa diasosiasikan dengan gw. Daughtry, btw, terlihat sangat gentleman -at least jantan- pas bawain lagunya Bryan Adams ini. Bayangin aja muka gw yg belum pernah 'REALLY LOVED A WOMAN'lagu ini out of tune. Machismo gw kek naek 5 tingkat buat 2 menit.

4. Reason (OST Autumn's Tale/Endless Love)

Melodi mengharukan..hiks... dari serial tv yang mengharukan..hiks...dengan ending yang mengharukan..hiks...dengan Song Hye Kyo yang SUPER HOT!! Pertama kali gw denger sekilas pas tante gw lg nyetel pak VCD serial Endless Love yg baru dibeli. Awalnya gw yang sok-sok, wtf? Jijik ih serial korea (gw kaitin ma F4 yg dulu booming), tau-taunya gw ampir nangis pas ceweknya yg kena leukemia mati dan digendong di pantai. Tapi, nih theme song emang perfecto. Iseng-iseng pas hari terakhir kelas 2 SMP gw mainin pake suling (dengan hidung). Trus, cewek2 kls gw yang ngeliat gw "Ih, Rana freak, jorok, ngomongnya kotor" malah "Maenin dong2, suka banget gw ma lagunya" Huaah.

5.Por Una Cabeza -Carlos Jardel

Lagu trademark Tango ini sebenarnya udah rada klise dan mungkin banyak yang udah pernah denger walaupun blm tau secara spesifik. Untuk pemakaian di playlist ini, gw ambil yg dipotong buat adegan 'Tango' dari film Scent of A Woman (highly recommended), dimana seorang Al Pacino yg jadi orang buta dansa ama seorang gadis muda (Gabrielle Anwar -smoking hot). Cocoknya musik dan adegan udah kayak mentega ma meises. Love those coming of age flicks where the mentor always comes up with a cool, classy and out-of the-box way of teaching lessons of life to the youngster. One Word: Elegant. Coba Chris O'Donnell-nya diganti gw.

Wrap-Up: So, that's that. Pathetic banget ya hidup gw. Mimpi mulu tanpa prospek yang jelas. But hey, everyone has their own idea of how best to waste their time. Till next time, guys!


Ranaditya Alief

-Never grow up, m'boy. You'll lose your creative touch-


This is our Mascot!

This is the mascot of CommUNIQation Creative!


Two Bodies

Hi guys.

Before having my fair share of opinions,

I'd like to applaud Radja Desain aka M. Erlangga Ratnawan for establishing this blog. This may not be the most original of ideas, but I think it's great for us to have a place to express our views on the things around us.

My friends, the last few weeks have been pretty eventful. Some chopping and changing in regard to one of our primary endeavors was undoubtedly the highlight of it all. In all fairness, the proposition offered by the back office personnel (to put in context) was quite simple: agree, then you're in; refuse, then you're out.

The impact: formal working crew numbers cut by over 50%, an emotional day, loads of rants, a few healthy debates.

Did I complain? Yes, I did for most of the first week following.
Do I still complain? Occasionally, when I feel fucked up by something -doesn't have to even be related. Well, it's bad habit anyway, I guess.

But that's not why I'm writing at 1 in the morning (bad sleeping patterns)

I just want to congratulate everyone who've had their say on the issue, be it yes, be it no, be it 'I don't give a shit'.

For those who've said yes, keep fighting for your cause! I'll definitely be on your backs to support you when you fall or meet an obstacle. Just remember, for all the assistance we can offer, the key decision-making is formally out of our hands. So guys, it's time to up the game.

For those who've said no (including me), it's time to sit back and unwind, refocus the mind on other things we've probably forgotten to emphasize on. But remember, a good portion of our classmates are sweating their pants to fulfill their objective. Let's play our part in pushing them over the finish line.

For those who don't give a shit, meet me after class at the M building. I love to take a crack in the can over there before lunch.

To wrap things up, I'd like to acknowledge something you probably already know: We're still one big team: only with different roles and responsibilities this time around.

"Friendship is one mind in two bodies" -Meng Tse

If we still have one mind, with all of the complexity and variation of experiences that constitutes it, the 'two bodies' in our class year will make sure that Comm Weekend '08 blasts off. Just remember that it's gonna be a helluva task.


Ranaditya Alief

-Never grow up, m'boy. You'll lose your creative touch-